Soil, Groundwater, Vapor Sampling

soil groundwater vapor samplingOur team of licensed environmental engineers are qualified to provide a complete range of Soil, Groundwater, and Vapor Sampling services. Applications for these services include environmental screening inspections to subsurface soil and groundwater investigations. They can also include geologic and hydrogeologic evaluations, soil vapor monitoring, and soil management plans.

Our Soil, Groundwater, and Vapor Sampling can be performed as part of an Underground Storage Tank Removal service, an ATM Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), or any other study where impacts to soil and groundwater need to be measured.

Our Soil, Groundwater, Vapor Sampling Services

Our soil, groundwater, vapor sampling services begins with a visit to your property by one of our licensed environmental engineers…

  • Soil, groundwater, vapor sampling is conducted at sites either suspected to be contaminated or are known to be contaminated.
  • Typically, soil borings are advanced with a drill rig, and continuous soil samples are collected for description by a geologist. Samples exhibiting potential contamination may be collected and sent to an environmental laboratory for testing of various contaminants of concern.
  • Groundwater sampling wells may be installed into the soil borings for collection of water samples and other data such as depth to water, hydraulic gradient, etc.
  • Vapor sampling is done, often near the ground surface or inside buildings, to look for the presence of dangerous vapors resulting from contamination of the soil and/or groundwater below.
  • All samples collected are compared to established government standards, such as regulatory threshold values, to determine the level of hazard posed by each contaminant.

Our goal is to identify impacts, threats, and potential dangers lurking beneath of the surface of your property. You can feel assured that when one of our licensed environmental engineers conducts a Soil, Groundwater, Vapor Sampling service, you will know the full extent environmental dangers lurking below.

Why is a Soil, Groundwater, Vapor Sampling Service Important?

The primary purposes of sampling soil, groundwater, and vapor are to determine the presence, concentration, and distribution of suspected contamination of a property, or to investigate a property’s geological and hydrogeological characteristics.

This service is commonly recommended upon the findings of an ATM Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). It can also become a part of the ATM Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, or in the State of Michigan, a Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA).

Failure to perform a Soil, Groundwater, Vapor Sampling can result in serious risks to human health, including potential fire and explosion in digging, as well as legal liability in contamination of ground water.

How is a Soil, Groundwater, Vapor Sampling Service Conducted?

Our service begins with a visit from one of our licensed environmental engineers…

  • Collection, labeling, and shipping of samples are conducted in accordance to standards issued by the U.S. Evironmental Protection Agency.
  • Our environmental engineers can test samples on site, or submit samples to a laboratory for specific identification.
  • Samples submitted to a laboratory are sent to those accredited with testing soil, groundwater, vapor sampling.
  • A detailed report of findings is prepared and delivered to the client.
  • Depending on the nature of the contamination and danger, recommendations for remediation will be offered.

When Should a Soil, Groundwater, Vapor Sampling Service be Requested?

You should conduct this study when contamination is suspected or identified in previous studies. Often, an ATM Phase I Environmental Site Assessment will uncover potential contamination or presence of harmful soil vapors. Financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies may require a soil, groundwater, vapor sampling service as part of a decision-making process.

© 2025, Arrowhead Environmental Engineering, LLC